11 thoughts on “Feedback: Click on this heading to leave a comment

  1. I really enjoyed the lesson Jack! I liked that video with the balancing pencil, definitely trying that! This is Ruth here, I will be the moderator for this session.

  2. Aaryan did not understand the second presentation and activity …relationship between force, acceleration and weight

    1. Hi there,

      I’ll run through this in a second reply, please allow me time to write something up for Aaryan.


  3. Aaryan did not understand the second presentation and activity …relationship between force, acceleration and weight

    1. Hi again, thanks for waiting!

      So Aaryan, in class we talked about different forces like those that push planes into the air, or knock buildings over, and we know that they’re simply known as ‘Forces’ (Gravity is possibly the most famous one!).

      Any force is made by some sort of mass (or weight for simplicity’s sake), and something pushing that mass!

      Think about me dropping the chalk in class, or the metal filings in the bucket with the magnet, they all have mass or weight, and they’re all being accelerated, or “pushed”, which causes a force!

      So let’s say that chalk again! Let’s say the chalk weights 0.05kg, and we’re on earth, and we know that gravity on earth is 10 (this isn’t the exact figure, but that doesn’t matter to us right now!), then to get the force acting on the chalk that makes it fall, it would be 0.05 x 10, which is 0.5 Newtons! (Remember that Newtons are what we call the strength of the force).

      So finally, let’s do an example from the worksheet:

      How much force is on a 100 kg motorbike due to gravity?

      This is easy so I’m sure you’ll get it really quickly! We know that the force is the mass(weight) multiplied by the number for gravity! So in our case its 100 x 10 = 1000 Newtons!

      Let me know if this is still confusing!

      Here’s a video that explains it but it might be a little too advanced, but I’m sure with some parental explaining, it would prove handy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzA6IBWUEDE


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