Tralee Experimental Science.

Hello Parents and Children.

I’m signing off for now. Hope you had fun with the course and learned a few things 😊

Any more questions on Experimental Science in general, I’ll be checking comments here and the email during the week(and if possible, longer term than that.)

Just bear in mind, I’m working full time from home and there might be a lag in replying.!

I ordered a charger for laptop and hopefully should be there by Monday. I had videos I intended on uploading unfortunately, this went by the wayside! As soon as I can get back into laptop, I will make these available.

Kind regards and Best wishes 🙂

25th April Feedback Click on this heading to leave a comment: Tralee Experimental Science

Hello Everyone, hope you are well

Any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to ask.

You can leave me a comment here or email.

I will be uploading some videos on the slides shortly.

Some of you requested A Google classroom resource, I will send the code to anyone that wants it.

All the material will be available both there and here.

Hope you found the Electricity stuff OK, lot of stuff to get through and 4 experiments!!! Let me know how you found it.


UPDATE. My Laptop charging cable has just ceased to function (Ironic considering the topic we are doing!!!!), I will still be available (Using phone wordpress app etc). I will be setting up on another laptop in the meantime.

Youtube channel ( As soon as I can get access to recorded videos on the other laptop , I will upload)